This is Sydney and you just don't know what you might find next. While walking down the street this particular night with my husband, a PINK HUMMER pulled up next to us and hum hum... .. a group of guys on a 'Bucks night' are out on the town. Here is the 'groom to be'. "What was he doing?". Well, not belly dancing as his dress might suggest, he was going around explaining to strangers that it was his 'Bucks night' and asking them for gold coin donations for beers. (for he and the boys) . Well , like I mentioned, it is Sydney and anything can be happening. These are a couple of people he approached who kindly donated to his cause.
I think he thought this through. Dressed to entertain - who would refuse? Meanwhile the 'boy crew' in the party stayed their distance and waited for the coin collection.
I think he thought this through. Dressed to entertain - who would refuse? Meanwhile the 'boy crew' in the party stayed their distance and waited for the coin collection.